Another great Garden Expo over and we had a lot of fun with our display this year. We wanted to show what you can do with old objects and the possibilities for creative water features.
This years display was built in conjunction with SJ Landscapes and the elements included the Old Ford Ute ( an XP ’64 model we were informed by enthusiasts and yes we had the Holden lovers who thought it was the best use of a Ford).
We made the display very assessable to visitors and they could walk through the display via the decomposed granite path with old railway sleeper bridges. A stream and 3 x 4 meter pond with water plants and fish was the center piece and a pergola and paved relaxing area completed with a fire place.
The plantings were eclectic and showcased Dicksonia Antarctica Tree Ferns, king fern and native gingers and ferns, colour added with dwarf Japanese sacred bamboo ( Nandina spp).
A simple bubbling rock feature on the way out was a great example of a beautiful natural water feature for smaller spaces.
We love the QLD Garden Expo and congratulate the organisers for putting together this amazing 3 days with such variety of information and inspiration for gardeners from all persuasions.