Landscape Installation Gold at Qld Garden Expo
2012 Qld Garden Expo Best Installation Display. Well the four days of hard prep have been rewarded with the Gold Award this year. We are just happy to be able to show what we can do… so a very big thank you to the judges and also to the other contestants for their recognition…
Queensland Garden Expo
Waterscapes Australia will be at the QLD Garden Expo next week on the 6, 7 and 8th of July in Nambour on the Sunshine Coast and today we started the creation of a waterscape with pond , waterfalls and a pondless waterfall. Mitch and Rick are doing a great job, the photo is of…
Flow Form Installation/Workshop in June
This June we are excited to be working with “The Natural Foodstore” at Forest Glen on the Sunshine Coast to install a flow form in the new garden center/cafe. We will announce the June date shortly. Whats a Flow Form you ask? Flowforms are cascades of water that aid in the reoxygenation of water…
Pond Builders Bible now on-line and free to download
NOW A FREE PDF DOWNLOAD – A comprehensive 300 page guide and reference book for anyone wanting to upgrade their pond and waterscaping skills or just do it right the first time. Covers everything from water quality and construction tips to rock choice and large scale projects. This book is probably the most comprehensive collection…
Month of April – Pondless streams have been popular this month
Waterscapes Australia’s project foreman Mitch Davis has been busy this month. There have been some great projects over this past month and we would like to thank the Grice family in Rockhampton and also Sue and Garth in Maroochydore for inviting us to create pondless creeks on their properties. It can be hard to decide…
Latest Project – Daisy’s Place Restaurant
We have started the redesign of the landscaping at Daisy’s Place Restaurant on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast and I would like to thank the owner, Sue Joseph, for the opportunity to work with her to waterscape the venue. Sue’s vision has unfolded in the reopening of the venue that once was known as the Rustic…
Here’s to 2012
A belated welcome to 2012. I think we all can feel something special is in store for us this year, its a year of great change and possibility. On a practical level here at Waterscapes we are pleased to say that we will have a new range of products available in early…
Queensland Garden Expo 2011
Thanks and hello to all who came to see us at our display, it was great to talk with so many people with a passion for ponds. The expo was a great success and our display really just showed what is possible to achieve. With a lot of effort plus 5 ton of rock we…